This special gift combines the beauty of a bouquet featuring roses, gerberas, alstroemeria, lisianthus, and sea lavender with a heartfelt message on the "Mom is the best!" cup. The bouquet is a colorful and vibrant tribute to celebrate Mom's love and affection, with each flower symbolizing gratitude, admiration, and appreciation. The roses represent love and beauty, gerberas bring cheerfulness, alstroemeria symbolizes devotion, lisianthus signifies appreciation, and sea lavender adds a touch of uniqueness.
The accompanying cup with the sweet message adds an extra layer of love and sentimentality to the gift, making it a perfect way to show Mom how much she is cherished and loved. This combination of blooms and cup creates a memorable and heartfelt gesture that Mom will treasure.
The gift consists of:
• Bouquet of Roses , gerberas , alstroemeria , lisianthus , sea lavender & "Mom is the best!" Cup